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Gastronorm Baking Tray - Oxford Hardware - NST5332

Gastronorm Baking Tray

Oxford Hardware


• Non-stick• 1.6mm aluminium• BS EN ISO 9002• Can be used on: Electric Radiant ring, Gas (open flame), Solid hotplate 1/1 G/N, 530mm x 325mm  x 25mm

1539 :: Pivot Hinge - Oxford Hardware - 1539000021

1539 :: Pivot Hinge

Oxford Hardware


• Cam dwell keeps door open beyond 90° for easy access• Positive stop at 115° prevents interference with adjoining equipment• Built-in overclose as...

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Cable Tidies - Oxford Hardware - OHDESK60

Cable Tidies

Oxford Hardware


Available in black and silver plastic or stainless steel